Computer Security Threat Crossword

Computer Security Threat Crossword

Test your knowledge of common computer security threats with this crossword puzzle!


1. Malicious software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner’s consent (9 letters)
3. An attack that overwhelms a system’s resources to render it unusable (10 letters)

5. Unauthorized access to private computer systems or networks (10 letters)
7. A fraudulent email that appears to come from a trusted source (4 letters)
8. Software that monitors activity on a device without the user’s consent (8 letters)
10. An attack that encrypts files until a ransom is paid (10 letters)


2. Installing malicious software without the user’s knowledge (11 letters)

4. Using stolen login credentials to access private information (7 letters)
6. Tricking someone into revealing sensitive information (9 letters)

9. Collecting private information without consent (11 letters)


1. Malware
2. Spyware
3. Denial of service
4. Hacking

5. Phishing
6. Keylogger
7. Ransomware
8. Social engineering
9. Data breach
10. Identity theft

How did you do? Computer security threats are always evolving, so staying informed is the best defense. Use strong passwords, update your software, and be cautious online. With vigilance and safe practices, you can help protect yourself from these risks.

Going Beyond the Basics

The previous crossword covers common computer security threats that everyone should be familiar with. But there are many more sophisticated and emerging risks to be aware of.

Advanced Persistent Threats

These are complex, targeted attacks that are directed at specific individuals or organizations. APTs are carried out by coordinated groups, often with nation-state backing. The goal is to gain continued access to sensitive systems and data over an extended period of time.


This involves using a device’s resources to mine cryptocurrency without the owner’s consent. The cryptomining code runs in the background, slowing down the system. Smartphones, computers, and even cloud infrastructure can be targeted.

Supply Chain Attacks

Rather than attacking an organization directly, threat actors will target less secure vendors or suppliers that the organization relies on. By compromising the supply chain, the main target can be infiltrated through trusted third parties.

Web Skimming

Malicious code is inserted into ecommerce websites to steal credit card details and other information during transactions. The skimming code operates quietly in the background while the site continues to function normally.

Fileless Malware

This type of threat avoids installation on the hard drive. Instead, it runs directly in device memory, making detection much more difficult. Legitimate administrative tools can be leveraged to carry out the attack.

Weaponized Artificial Intelligence

As AI capabilities grow more advanced, threat actors are harnessing machine learning algorithms to create smarter, more effective attacks. This could lead to highly convincing phishing emails, natural language social engineering, and better malware obfuscation.

These emerging risks demonstrate the importance of ongoing education for both cybersecurity professionals and regular users. With vigilance, proactive defense measures, and proper precautions, both individuals and organizations can work to stay a step ahead of the latest threats.

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