What Is Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing services refer to the provision of on-demand computing resources and services over the internet. This includes storage, computing power, databases, software, and various applications, allowing users and businesses to access and utilize these resources without the need for significant upfront investments in infrastructure.

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What Is Cloud Computing? | Microsoft Azure

Cloud computing is a revolutionary approach to IT resources that offers numerous benefits for organizations. It brings about a significant departure from traditional thinking and introduces seven key advantages: cost savings, speed, global scalability, enhanced productivity, improved performance, reliability, and security. Cloud computing encompasses various types and models tailored to meet specific needs.

The deployment of cloud services involves choosing between a public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud. Public clouds are operated by third-party providers, offering computing resources over the internet. Microsoft Azure serves as an example of a public cloud, where the provider manages all infrastructure elements, and users access services through a web browser. Private clouds are exclusive to a single business or organization and can be physically located on-site or hosted by third-party providers. Such clouds maintain services and infrastructure within a private network. Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds, facilitating data and application sharing, enhancing flexibility, deployment options, infrastructure optimization, security, and compliance.

Cloud services are categorized into four primary types: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), serverless, and software as a service (SaaS). IaaS involves renting IT infrastructure, such as servers, storage, and networks, from a cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis. PaaS provides on-demand environments for developing, testing, delivering, and managing software applications, abstracting the underlying infrastructure complexities. SaaS delivers software applications over the internet, with cloud providers managing both the application and infrastructure, including maintenance and upgrades. Serverless computing focuses on building app functionality without the need for continuous server management, as the cloud provider handles setup, capacity planning, and server maintenance.

Cloud computing finds applications in various areas, and many individuals and organizations are already utilizing it without realizing. Online services for email, document editing, media streaming, gaming, and file storage are powered by cloud computing. Cloud services cater to the needs of startups, corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations worldwide.

Microsoft is a prominent provider of cloud computing services, offering solutions for businesses of all sizes. Microsoft Azure is a leading cloud platform, and users can explore its features and compare it to other providers. To accelerate the cloud journey, Microsoft offers best practices, resources, and expert assistance.

For additional information, users can access guides, webinars, frequently asked questions, and other resources provided by cloud providers.

Source: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/cloud-computing-dictionary/what-is-cloud-computing/

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Cloud computing

Cloud computing refers to the availability of computing resources, such as data storage and processing power, on-demand and without the need for active user management. It involves the use of a network of interconnected elements that provide services collectively, forming an amorphous cloud. Large cloud infrastructures often span multiple locations and rely on resource sharing to achieve coherence. Cloud computing operates on a pay-as-you-go model, which can help reduce costs but may also lead to unexpected expenses for users.

The history of cloud computing dates back to the 1960s, with the emergence of time-sharing and remote job entry. The concept of the cloud as a metaphor for virtualized services was introduced in 1994 by General Magic. In the 2000s, cloud computing gained traction with the establishment of Amazon Web Services, Google App Engine, and the development of open-source cloud software by NASA. Subsequently, Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle launched their own cloud services.

Cloud technology gained even more popularity during the global pandemic of 2020 due to its data security and flexible working options for remote employees.

The value proposition of cloud computing includes cost reductions, device independence, easier maintenance, multitenancy, improved performance, increased productivity, better availability, scalability, and elasticity. It offers cost savings by converting capital expenses to operational expenses and reducing the need for in-house IT skills. Cloud computing enables users to access systems from anywhere using any device with an internet connection. Maintenance is simplified as the data is hosted on external servers managed by cloud providers. Multitenancy allows for resource and cost sharing among multiple users. Performance is monitored by experts, and cloud environments are designed for high availability. Productivity is enhanced through simultaneous collaboration and reduced software installation and updates. Scalability and elasticity enable resources to be dynamically provisioned based on demand.

While cloud computing offers benefits, it also presents challenges and limitations. Data security and privacy are major concerns, as users entrust sensitive data to third-party providers. Reduced visibility and control over cloud resources can be a challenge for users. Cloud migration can be complex and costly, with potential compatibility issues between different platforms. Compliance with data protection regulations can also be a risk.

Cloud computing service models include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). IaaS provides high-level infrastructure services, while PaaS offers a development environment for application developers. SaaS allows users to access application software and services without managing the underlying infrastructure. There are also other models such as Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) and Serverless computing or Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), which provide additional functionality and flexibility for specific use cases.

In summary, cloud computing provides on-demand access to computing resources without active user management. It offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, device independence, improved productivity, scalability, and better availability. However, data security, reduced control, and migration challenges are important considerations. The service models range from infrastructure-level services to complete software applications, catering to different user needs.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing

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What is cloud computing? | IBM

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services over the internet, and it is commonly categorized into three main models: SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service).

SaaS, also known as cloud-based software or cloud applications, involves hosting application software in the cloud. Users can access these applications through a web browser, dedicated desktop client, or API integration. Typically, users pay a subscription fee, either monthly or annually, with some options offering pay-as-you-go pricing based on actual usage. SaaS is widely used and offers various commercial software solutions, ranging from industry-specific applications to powerful enterprise software and AI tools.

PaaS provides software developers with an on-demand platform for running, developing, and managing applications without the need for maintaining the platform on-premises. The cloud provider hosts the entire software stack, including hardware, infrastructure, and development tools. Developers can easily select the servers and environments they require to run, build, test, deploy, maintain, update, and scale applications. PaaS often utilizes containers, which virtualize the operating system, enabling applications to run on any platform without modification.

IaaS offers on-demand access to essential computing resources, such as physical and virtual servers, networking, and storage, over the internet. Users can scale and adjust resources as needed, eliminating the need for high upfront capital expenditures or overbuying resources. Unlike SaaS and PaaS, IaaS provides users with the most granular control over computing resources in the cloud. While IaaS was initially popular, the growth of SaaS and PaaS has been more rapid in recent years.

Serverless computing, or serverless, is a cloud computing model that delegates backend infrastructure management tasks to the cloud provider. This includes tasks like provisioning, scaling, scheduling, and patching. Serverless allows developers to focus solely on their application code and business logic, as the cloud provider automatically handles resource scaling based on the number of requests. Users are only billed for the actual resources consumed during application runtime, eliminating charges for idle capacity. Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a subset of serverless computing, where developers execute specific portions of application code (functions) in response to events. The cloud service provider manages the underlying hardware, operating system, and web server software, provisioning them in real-time during code execution.

In summary, cloud computing encompasses SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS models. SaaS delivers cloud-based software accessed through browsers or dedicated clients, while PaaS provides developers with a comprehensive platform for application development. IaaS offers on-demand access to fundamental computing resources. Additionally, serverless computing and FaaS allow developers to focus on code and delegate infrastructure management to the cloud provider.

Source: https://www.ibm.com/topics/cloud-computing

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What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing refers to the practice of storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of relying on local storage. It involves utilizing the internet as a means of accessing and syncing data, as well as running applications. The term cloud is a metaphor for the internet, representing the vast server infrastructure that processes and distributes information. Unlike traditional local storage, cloud computing allows for data access from anywhere with an internet connection. It has become an integral part of everyday computing, with various services and applications leveraging the cloud. Cloud computing can be categorized into different types, including Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), each serving specific business needs. The cloud computing market has experienced significant growth, with companies adopting cloud services for improved efficiency and flexibility. While there are advantages to cloud computing, such as accessibility and scalability, there are also concerns about reliance on internet connectivity and potential disruptions. Nonetheless, cloud computing has become a permanent fixture in the technology landscape and continues to evolve.

Source: https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/what-is-cloud-computing

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cloud computing

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of hosted services over the internet, categorized into three types: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Public clouds provide services to anyone on the internet, while private clouds are proprietary networks or data centers with limited access. The goal of cloud computing is to provide scalable access to computing resources and IT services. Cloud infrastructure includes the necessary hardware and software components for implementation, often using virtualization technology. Cloud computing works by allowing client devices to access data and applications from remote servers via the internet. It relies on a central server to manage communications and uses automation and virtualization for resource provisioning. There are three main cloud deployment models: private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud. Multi-cloud and community cloud models are also used. Cloud computing offers several advantages, including scalability, cost efficiency, and flexibility. However, there are also challenges and potential disadvantages, such as security concerns. Various industries and use cases can benefit from cloud computing, including web hosting, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. Major cloud service providers include AWS, Microsoft, IBM, and Google Cloud Platform. Organizations need to consider factors such as services offered, pricing plans, and security when selecting a cloud provider. Security is a critical consideration for businesses adopting cloud services, and responsibilities for establishing a secure cloud environment lie with the individual user. The history of cloud computing dates back to the 1950s and 1960s, with the development of time sharing and the introduction of virtual machines. In recent years, there has been a shift toward migrating mission-critical workloads to the public cloud, driven by demands for competitiveness and modernization. The future of cloud computing includes ongoing competition among providers, expansion of services, and advancements in technologies such as serverless computing, big data processing, and AI/machine learning services.

Source: https://www.techtarget.com/searchcloudcomputing/definition/cloud-computing

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What is cloud computing? Everything you need to know about the cloud explained

Cloud computing is the practice of delivering various computing services over the internet, allowing companies to rent access to resources like servers, storage, and software from a cloud service provider. It offers benefits such as faster innovation, flexible resources, and cost savings. Instead of owning and maintaining their own IT infrastructure, companies can pay for the resources they use when they need them. Cloud computing services cover a wide range of options, including storage, networking, processing power, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and standard office applications. It is used by both consumers and enterprises, ranging from services like Gmail and cloud backup to running large-scale business systems like Netflix’s video-streaming service. Cloud computing is becoming the preferred choice for many applications as software vendors increasingly offer their products as services over the internet. However, there are potential downsides to consider, such as new costs and risks. The term cloud refers to the idea that the location of the service and the underlying hardware are irrelevant to the user. Cloud computing has been around since the early 2000s, but the concept of computing as a service dates back to the 1960s. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) are three common models of cloud computing, each focusing on different aspects of the technology stack and use cases. While SaaS is the most familiar to users, IaaS and PaaS have grown at faster rates. Many businesses now prefer to distribute their computing needs across multiple cloud vendors to avoid vendor lock-in and find the best mix of technologies. Cloud computing offers benefits such as increased agility, scalability, cost savings, and the ability to access applications and data from anywhere. However, it is not always cheaper than traditional computing, and there may be concerns about data security and the complexity of migration. Despite these challenges, cloud computing is expected to continue growing as organizations embrace a cloud-first principle and deploy new workloads on cloud-native platforms. Adoption of cloud services varies by application and depends on factors like security concerns, existing systems, and the need for a shift to the cloud.

Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/what-is-cloud-computing-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-cloud/

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What are cloud services?

Cloud services are online solutions provided by third-party providers, enabling users to access infrastructure, platforms, or software through the internet. They allow for the seamless transfer of user data between clients and the provider’s systems. By utilizing cloud services, individuals only need a computer, operating system, and internet connectivity to access them.

Examples of cloud services encompass various as-a-Service solutions, including platforms that support application execution and provide the necessary IT infrastructure. Clouds, which are networked IT environments, enable cloud computing by pooling and sharing scalable resources. They fall under the category of Platform as a Service (PaaS), as they offer hardware and application software platforms provided by external parties.

Cloud services operate by leveraging hardware and software, but users require only a computer, network connection, and access to the services, unlike traditional solutions. When offering cloud infrastructure, providers detach computing capabilities from hardware components and deliver storage, compute, and networking resources via the internet as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). This approach has led to the emergence of cloud storage, with providers like Dropbox serving as examples of IaaS.

Additionally, cloud service providers can create cloud platforms using their hardware resources. These platforms serve as online environments where users can develop code or run applications. Building a cloud platform necessitates incorporating technologies like virtualization, orchestration, security, and user experience design. Such platforms are categorized as PaaS, and public clouds and managed private clouds are notable examples.

Managed private clouds, also known as managed cloud providers, offer privately deployed, configured, and managed clouds to customers. This option is beneficial for enterprises or small businesses lacking IT expertise, as it helps deliver improved private cloud services and infrastructure.

Another type of cloud service is cloud software, also referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS). Cloud software involves providing full web applications online and demands significant development investment from the provider. It can be developed using a microservices architecture, where independent and loosely coupled microservices are combined into containers managed by container orchestration engines. This approach allows for optimized cloud applications without affecting other microservices.

Red Hat offers cloud services that encompass hosted and managed platform, application, and data services. These services accelerate time to value, reduce operational costs, and simplify the delivery of cloud-native applications. Red Hat’s core cloud services consist of turnkey application platforms available from major cloud providers. They provide organizations with a streamlined experience across services and hybrid cloud environments while Red Hat handles the management aspects.

Source: https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/cloud-computing/what-are-cloud-services

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Types of cloud computing

Cloud computing offers four main types: private clouds, public clouds, hybrid clouds, and multiclouds. These types are complemented by three main types of cloud computing services: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Public clouds are cloud environments not owned by the end user. They can be run off-premises or offered as on-premise services. The distinction of ownership and location has become less relevant, with some public cloud providers allowing free usage. Public clouds can also be sold as IaaS or developed into PaaS.

Private clouds are dedicated to a single end user or group and typically run behind a firewall. They can be built on rented, vendor-owned data centers, making location and ownership rules obsolete. Managed private clouds are deployed and managed by third-party vendors, while dedicated clouds exist within public or private clouds.

Hybrid clouds combine multiple environments through LANs, WANs, VPNs, and APIs. The requirements for hybrid clouds can vary, but they typically involve multiple interconnected environments, including consolidated IT resources that can scale on demand. Multiclouds are cloud approaches with multiple cloud services from different vendors, and they can be part of hybrid clouds or exist for various reasons.

Cloud services refer to infrastructure, platforms, or software hosted by third-party providers. IaaS involves the provider managing infrastructure, while the user handles the operating system and applications. PaaS provides a platform for application development and management, with the user responsible for the apps and data. SaaS delivers managed software applications accessible via web browsers.

Choosing a cloud type or service depends on individual needs. The safest or most cost-effective cloud varies based on requirements. Red Hat offers solutions for cloud deployment and productivity, including a consistent foundation for any cloud type, a container platform for cloud-native app mobility, and tools for management and automation, providing portability across different cloud environments.

Source: https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/cloud-computing/public-cloud-vs-private-cloud-and-hybrid-cloud

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What Is Cloud Computing? | The Motley Fool

Cloud computing is a digital realm that involves interconnected servers and devices communicating over the internet. It allows for data storage, application hosting, and computing tasks to be performed in an online environment. Compared to traditional solutions, cloud computing offers greater flexibility and scalability. Businesses can easily expand their computing resources as needed, accessing data, applications, and services from anywhere. Cloud computing has revolutionized the computing landscape by reducing infrastructure costs and providing on-demand access to computing power and storage capacity. Different deployment models, such as public, private, and hybrid clouds, provide options for businesses to meet their specific needs. Leading cloud computing platforms include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Investing in companies that embrace cloud computing can lead to operational efficiency, scalability, and innovation. It is important to analyze how companies utilize cloud computing to gain insights into their long-term potential. Netflix’s successful use of Amazon Web Services is a notable example of how cloud computing can be a game-changer for businesses, enabling global scalability without massive investments in data centers. Cloud computing opens up opportunities for businesses to unlock their true potential on a global scale.

Source: https://www.fool.com/terms/c/cloud-computing/

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