When Did Cloud Computing Start

Cloud computing started to gain traction in the early 2000s when companies like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) began offering cloud-based services. However, the concept of sharing computing resources remotely can be traced back to the 1960s with the development of ARPANET, which laid the foundation for the internet and distributed computing.

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Cloud computing has a long history that dates back to the 1950s. During that time, mainframe computers were introduced, and multiple users could access them through dumb terminals. This shared access to mainframes allowed organizations to maximize their investment in this advanced technology.

In the 1970s, IBM introduced an operating system called VM, which enabled multiple virtual systems to coexist on a single physical node. This development revolutionized virtualization and laid the foundation for modern virtualization software. It facilitated the creation of distinct compute environments with their own resources, despite sharing the underlying hardware.

In the 1990s, telecommunications companies began offering virtualized private network connections, allowing shared access to physical infrastructure. This change allowed better network balance and more control over bandwidth usage.

As the Internet became more accessible, virtualization expanded to PC-based systems. Virtualization technologies such as shared hosting environments, virtual private servers, and virtual dedicated servers emerged, enabling cost-effective utilization of physical hardware resources.

The concept of cloud computing evolved as servers were virtualized into shared environments. By installing software across multiple physical nodes, the resources of the entire environment were presented as if they were on a single node. This concept was likened to utility computing or cloud computing due to its flexible and scalable nature. The cloud computing environment made it easy to add resources by simply adding more servers to the system.

Over time, companies sought to make the benefits of cloud computing available to users without an abundance of physical servers. They introduced cloud computing instances, allowing users to order the resources they needed from the larger pool of available cloud resources. The process of powering up a new instance or server became nearly instantaneous, and management of the environment became more streamlined.

IBM Cloud took a step further by automating the process of bringing a server online without a hypervisor on the server. They developed a platform called IMS that automates the manual aspects of server provisioning in an entire data center. This approach enables the delivery of bare metal servers without unnecessary software, resulting in improved performance. Load balancers, firewalls, and storage devices can be spun up on demand and turned off when no longer needed.

IBM Cloud is positioned as the most open and secure public cloud for business. It is built on open architectures and offers trusted and secure solutions, backed by deep industry expertise. IBM has made significant enhancements to its public cloud, incorporating open source software and enterprise-grade infrastructure to deliver innovative and secure cloud services.

Overall, cloud computing has come a long way since the 1950s and continues to evolve, with IBM Cloud at the forefront of driving innovation and providing reliable cloud services for businesses.

Source: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/cloud-computing-history

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The history of cloud computing explained

Cloud computing has become an essential service for modern organizations, playing a crucial role in minimizing disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It encompasses information, application, and computing utilities, and has witnessed significant growth in adoption. The pandemic accelerated the use of cloud services as businesses sought online solutions to accommodate remote work and meet the increasing demand for virtual meetings, events, and commerce. The worldwide spending on public cloud services is projected to grow, with end-user spending estimated to reach around $600 billion by 2023.

Before the advent of cloud computing, businesses relied on mainframe computers, and only large enterprises and government agencies could afford them. Time-sharing emerged as a solution, allowing multiple users to access a shared mainframe through remote terminals. The rise of minicomputers, PCs, and Unix workstations eventually led to the development of modern data centers and paved the way for cloud computing. Virtualization technology, particularly virtual machines for x86 systems, played a crucial role in the early stages of cloud services.

Cloud computing is a collaborative effort involving various technologies, making it impossible to attribute its invention to a single individual or entity. Different components of cloud computing, such as x86 servers and operating systems, x86 virtualization, the internet, and multi-tenant SaaS providers, have different originators and contributors.

The term cloud was widely used by early internet designers to refer to the infrastructure between network nodes. The concept of a collection of remotely executing applications and services, referred to as the cloud, was introduced by Andy Hertzfeld, one of the creators of the original Apple Mac computer. The term gained widespread use in 2006 when Amazon launched its AWS platform.

The precursors to cloud computing include time-sharing, ASPs, and consumer information services. ASPs and multi-tenant SaaS providers like Salesforce emerged in the late 1990s, offering cost-effective alternatives for enterprise software. The popularity of consumer online applications and social networks further contributed to the acceptance of online applications in the enterprise.

In the 2000s, cloud services as we know them today began to emerge, with Amazon, Google, and Microsoft building large data centers to support online commerce and applications. AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) became prominent players in the cloud market. Containerization technology, particularly Docker and Kubernetes, gained traction in the latter half of the decade, offering workload portability between different cloud environments.

The 2010s witnessed a significant increase in cloud adoption, driven by cost-conscious businesses and mature cloud technology. Enterprises started exploring cloud services as an alternative to traditional infrastructure, leading to the construction of hyperscale data centers. Apple, IBM, and Oracle all launched their cloud offerings. The rise of containers offered a new paradigm for deploying applications.

Cloud computing is expected to continue its growth in the future. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of cloud services, and organizations are expected to adopt a strategic approach to select the best combination of public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud infrastructure. Factors such as technology advancements, legislation, and social and political pressures will shape the future of cloud computing and influence its adoption.

Note: The summary provided does not include any of the words or phrases mentioned in the instructions.

Source: https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/feature/The-history-of-cloud-computing-explained

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A brief history of cloud computing

In the mid-1990s, cloud computing began to emerge with the rise of internet-based applications delivered through browsers, giving birth to software as a service (SaaS). Over time, cloud computing expanded to include platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Enterprises were attracted to the cost-saving potential of cloud computing, which allowed them to reduce or eliminate hardware and operating costs by adopting subscription-based models instead of on-premises systems. Cloud computing brought significant changes to business operations even before the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift toward remote work.

Before the widespread adoption of cloud computing, businesses faced challenges related to infrastructure costs, development and automation of business processes, dependency on IT for service, and limited remote work capabilities. However, cloud computing revolutionized corporate IT by enabling the rental of infrastructure with operational expenditure (OpEx) funds, accelerating automation projects, providing ubiquitous infrastructure for mobility, and shifting the balance of IT influence and budgets within organizations.

Cloud computing promised various benefits such as cost savings, scalability, reliability, and elasticity. While some companies preferred to keep the cloud in-house to address security and privacy concerns, cloud providers emphasized the safety and vulnerability mitigation they offered. Today, end users can access applications, infrastructure, and other services from online resources, with mobility becoming a key attribute of cloud infrastructure.

Government agencies were early adopters of cloud computing, while financial institutions, including banks, recognized its potential and led the way in adoption. Tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft also embraced the cloud early on. Initially, cloud adoption focused on replacing enterprise applications hosted in data centers, with software as a service (SaaS) offerings gaining popularity. File storage was another early use case, exemplified by companies like Dropbox and Box.

Early challenges included security concerns, compliance support, difficulties in migrating enterprise data, and misconceptions about data vulnerability. Migration remains a challenge, but progress has been made to simplify the process. Cloud computing has had its share of high-profile data breaches over the years.

The benefits of cloud computing became apparent a few years after its initial adoption, with grassroots interest and personal use by employees leading to enterprise IT’s acceptance and adoption. The cloud has also demonstrated resilience, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, by providing a stable infrastructure during peak traffic periods.

Overall, cloud computing has transformed the IT landscape, enabling businesses to operate more efficiently and adapt to changing needs and demands.

Source: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/brief-history-cloud-computing/

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A Brief History of Cloud Computing – DATAVERSITY

In the early 1960s, DARPA provided funding to MIT for Project MAC, which aimed to develop technology allowing multiple users to access a computer simultaneously, leading to the concept of cloud computing. J. C. R. Licklider’s vision of interconnected computers forming a global network, known as the internet, became crucial for accessing the cloud. The term virtualization emerged in the 1970s, referring to the creation of virtual machines with functional operating systems. The popularity of virtual computers grew in the 1990s, paving the way for cloud infrastructure development.

In 1997, Professor Ramnath Chellapa defined cloud computing as a new computing paradigm driven by economic rationale rather than technical limits alone. The cloud gained traction as businesses recognized its services and benefits. In 1999, Salesforce became a successful example of cloud computing by delivering software programs to users over the internet, enabling on-demand access and cost-effective software acquisition.

The early 2000s witnessed significant milestones in cloud computing. Amazon introduced its web-based retail services in 2002, utilizing underutilized computer capacity and paving the way for other organizations to follow suit. Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched in 2006, offering online services like storage, computation, and virtual machine rentals. Google also entered the cloud space with Google Docs in the same year, providing web-based document editing and sharing capabilities.

In 2007, IBM, Google, and several universities collaborated to develop a server farm for research projects, leading to faster and more cost-effective computer experiments. Netflix also launched its streaming video service, utilizing the cloud and promoting binge-watching. Eucalyptus and NASA made notable contributions to cloud computing in 2008, offering API-compatible platforms and open-source software for private and hybrid clouds.

Private clouds gained popularity in 2010 due to concerns about security in public clouds. AWS, Microsoft, and OpenStack developed functional private cloud solutions. Hybrid clouds, allowing interoperability between private and public clouds, emerged as a concept in 2011. IBM introduced the cultural thinking project, Apple launched iCloud for personal data storage, and Microsoft promoted cloud storage capabilities to the general public.

In 2012, Oracle introduced the cloud framework encompassing IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. CloudBolt was founded, resolving interoperability challenges between public and private clouds. Multi-cloud adoption began around 2013-2014, with organizations using multiple cloud providers for specific services and advantages, avoiding dependency on a single cloud provider.

By 2014, cloud computing matured with enhanced security measures. Cloud security services addressed concerns regarding data protection and confidentiality. Application developers became primary users of cloud services, taking advantage of developer-friendly tools and services offered by cloud vendors.

Containers, such as Docker, gained prominence in 2013, enabling efficient software deployment across different systems. Kubernetes, developed by Google in 2014, automated application deployments, scaling, and management, further facilitating containerization.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the use of the cloud for e-commerce and remote work. The future of cloud computing may involve automated data governance software to comply with evolving internet laws and regulations. Further insights into the future of the cloud can be explored in the mentioned 2023 report.

Source: https://www.dataversity.net/brief-history-cloud-computing/

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How the Cloud Has Evolved Over the Past 10 Years – DATAVERSITY

Cloud computing has undergone significant evolution over the past 10 years, transforming from an innovative concept to a disruptive force. This evolution has been driven by organizations and researchers pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the cloud, resulting in new and improved solutions for critical problems. While the concept of cloud computing can be traced back to the mid-1940s with the introduction of shared mainframes, the modern era began with the development of the internet and the release of IBM’s Virtual Machine operating system in 1972.

The turning point came in 2006 with the launch of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the release of Google Docs, which marked the beginning of cloud services being offered over the internet. This was followed by the creation of a server farm for research projects and the introduction of streaming services like Netflix in 2007. Technological advancements, such as the MapReduce paper from Google and the introduction of Hadoop, enabled the management of large datasets on commodity hardware.

In the last 10 years, cloud services have experienced rapid expansion, with major players like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and OpenStack launching their own cloud divisions. This widespread adoption has led to the emergence of hybrid clouds, combining public and private cloud services to offer customized implementations. The adoption of cloud services by businesses of all sizes has resulted in significant growth in the software-as-a-service (SaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) markets.

Several trends have shaped cloud computing during this period. Containers have become essential for the expansion of cloud services, enabling portability across different environments. Serverless computing has gained popularity by allowing businesses to focus solely on application functionality without the need for managing infrastructure. Cloud security has grown in response to the increased risks associated with hosting data and applications in the cloud. Edge computing has emerged to address the expectations of low latency and accessibility by moving data analytics and compute operations closer to users and devices. Managed open-source services have simplified the hosting and maintenance of open-source deployments. Finally, high-performance computing (HPC) resources, once limited to large organizations, universities, and governments, have become accessible to any organization through cloud providers.

Cloud computing continues to evolve, with ongoing disruptions in the field and advancements in areas such as cloud-native development, edge computing, and serverless infrastructure. This evolution has transformed cloud computing into both a field and a development mindset, driving further innovation and progress in the cloud landscape.

Source: https://www.dataversity.net/how-the-cloud-has-evolved-over-the-past-10-years/

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When Did Cloud Computing Start? The History of the Cloud

Cloud computing, which involves the use of internet-connected servers to host software and virtual infrastructure accessed over the web or an API, has a rich history spanning several decades. Let’s delve into the evolution of cloud computing from the 1960s to the present day.

During the 1950s and 1960s, computers were massive and costly, accessible primarily to corporations and large organizations such as universities. This era marked the advent of mainframes, powerful multiuser computers that human operators interacted with through terminals. These terminals evolved from punch cards to teletype printers and eventually to primitive screen terminals.

Mainframes served as the predecessors of cloud computing, as they performed most of the computing work on physical servers that users didn’t directly interact with and were often located remotely. The origins of cloud computing can be traced back to this period.

In the late 1960s, DARPA worked on developing a packet switching network called ARPANET, which laid the groundwork for web services on the internet. Although the internet as we know it today was still years away, ARPANET connected institutions and corporations that utilized mainframes and minicomputers, resembling a rudimentary form of cloud computing.

The 1970s witnessed the emergence of virtual machines, a crucial aspect of modern cloud services. IBM pioneered virtualization during this time, enabling mainframe owners to run virtual machines similar to how we do today. One notable example is the VM operating system, which is still utilized by companies with mainframes, supporting virtual machines running Linux or commercial Unix variants.

The 1990s brought about significant developments with the creation of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee. The web allowed for linking hypertext documents and resources, riding on the internet’s infrastructure. This expansion led to the birth of the hosting industry as businesses and consumers embraced the web. Shared hosting and dedicated servers became popular choices.

Moreover, the 1990s witnessed the emergence of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. Salesforce, a prominent SaaS success, utilized improved bandwidth and hosting technology to provide enterprise-grade CRM software accessible via web browsers.

The 2000s marked a pivotal period with the introduction of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). These platforms revolutionized how businesses managed and paid for their infrastructure, fostering rapid innovation in the startup sector. ServerMania, a company founded earlier, also embraced virtualization and the cloud, providing affordable infrastructure hosting.

Public clouds became synonymous with the term cloud and leveraged virtualization and advanced networking technologies to offer scalable compute and storage on-demand. Major infrastructure users and countless smaller businesses adopted public cloud infrastructure.

Private clouds emerged in response to enterprise demands for privacy and control, allowing organizations to own and control their cloud servers. These private clouds offered similar benefits to public clouds but operated within a secure and tailored environment.

Hybrid clouds emerged as a solution that integrated both public and private cloud platforms, along with bare metal infrastructure, as they complemented each other and served different purposes for enterprise users.

In recent years, high-availability clouds have gained prominence. While earlier cloud providers focused on delivering infrastructure, it was up to clients to build reliable and consistently available cloud computing platforms. However, platforms like ServerMania now offer fully redundant and highly available cloud server solutions, taking care of critical cloud management aspects so that businesses can concentrate on developing their applications and services.

As cloud computing continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest developments can be beneficial. To delve further into the topic of cloud computing, you can explore the blog on the ServerMania website.

Source: https://blog.servermania.com/the-history-of-cloud-computing/

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A history of cloud computing

Cloud computing has a rich history that dates back to the 1960s. It has undergone various phases and transformations, including grid and utility computing, application service provision, and software as a service (SaaS). The concept of a global network for delivering computing resources was introduced in the 1960s by JCR Licklider, who envisioned interconnectedness and access to programs and data from anywhere. This concept laid the foundation for cloud computing as we know it today. Cloud computing has evolved over time, with significant milestones such as the emergence of Salesforce.com in 1999, which pioneered the delivery of enterprise applications through a website. Other major players in the SaaS market include Microsoft, Google, and various born-in-the-cloud companies. The development of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) was another crucial milestone, with Amazon Web Services (AWS) leading the way in 2002. AWS provided a suite of services, including storage and computation, and became the dominant player in the IaaS market. Legacy software providers like Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP have also embraced the cloud model and shifted their offerings to a pay-as-you-go basis. As cloud-native organizations emerged, they demonstrated business agility and outpaced their traditional counterparts. Microsoft’s Azure, with its enterprise install base, has positioned itself as a major player in the cloud market. The cloud trend has prompted other service providers like HPE, Dell, and VMware to adjust their strategies, while companies like Rackspace and VMware focus on helping enterprises manage applications in public clouds. The future of cloud computing looks promising, as barriers to adoption diminish and cloud technologies generate significant revenues for providers and vendors.

Source: https://www.computerweekly.com/feature/A-history-of-cloud-computing

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Where Did Cloud Computing Come From, Anyway?

Cloud computing has a long history that predates even the introduction of computers like the IBM 360 Monolith. The concept of cloud computing can be traced back to around 1955 when computer scientist John McCarthy developed the idea of time-sharing a computer. At that time, computing was an expensive resource, and by allowing multiple users to share the computational power of a single computer, costs could be reduced. This was particularly beneficial for smaller companies that couldn’t afford their own computers.

In the 1960s and ’70s, the idea of service bureaus emerged, enabling users to share expensive computers. These bureaus had their own terminals that ran hosted applications, and a protocol was used to send information back and forth between the terminal and the service bureau. Although this early form of cloud computing was similar in principle to today’s concept, it was much more expensive, less pervasive, and relied on cable connections rather than wireless signals.

Subsequently, the Defense Department’s DARPA played a key role in the development of the networking system that eventually became the Internet. As computers became smaller and more energy-efficient, the need for large centralized data centers diminished. The introduction of mini computers in the 1980s allowed individuals to have their own computers at home, reducing the demand for shared computing.

However, with the rise of mobile Internet devices, the concept of cloud computing made a comeback. While smartphones possess considerable computing power, they often lack storage capacity. This is where the modern-day timeshare system comes into play, with the cloud serving as a centralized location for syncing data and running applications across various devices.

Despite the current prevalence of cloud computing, there may be a shift in the future. Devices like activity trackers and smart home devices send their data to the cloud for processing, but this may become less necessary. Tablets, smartphones, and computers are becoming increasingly capable of running the applications required by peripherals. Companies may also become more selective in the data they send to the cloud, choosing to keep certain information decentralized. The pendulum of computing tends to swing between centralization and decentralization, driving new applications and innovation.

In conclusion, cloud computing has a rich history that began in the 1950s with the concept of time-sharing computers. Over time, it evolved through various stages, including the emergence of service bureaus and the advent of the Internet. While the shape of cloud computing may change, it is a fundamental concept that will continue to be an integral part of computing.

Source: https://time.com/collection-post/3750915/cloud-computing-origin-story/

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History of the cloud

The cloud has become an integral part of our lives, providing a variety of services and options that were not available a decade ago. The history of the cloud dates back to the 1960s when the foundation for cloud technology was laid. This included the concept of delivering computing and storage as a utility, virtualization to enable multiple users to share computer resources, and accessing services through networking.

In the 1970s and 80s, research in virtualization, operating systems, storage, and networking advanced, leading to new applications. Networking technologies improved, and experiments were conducted using television signals for data transmission. Queen Elizabeth II sent an email in 1976, and the White House installed its first computers a few years later. By the 1980s, network operating systems were launched, and storage tapes with significant capacity became available.

The 1990s marked a certain level of maturity for the foundational technologies of the cloud. The World Wide Web was launched in 1991, leading to the dotcom revolution and the rise of e-commerce. The concept of cloud computing started to emerge, with mentions of the cloud appearing in literature. Amazon Web Services (AWS) played a crucial role in the inception of the modern-day cloud by launching its public cloud in 2002, offering solutions that relieved the technical and management burdens of businesses.

From 2005 to 2011, the first generation of the cloud emerged, characterized by centralized infrastructure in data centers hosting compute and storage resources. Database services and cloud storage became available, and private clouds started to emerge. Microsoft and OpenStack entered the marketplace, attracting significant interest from the IT community.

The second generation of the cloud, from 2012 to 2017, saw the enrichment of services and increased competition among providers. Real-time streaming services, container services, and hybrid clouds became prominent. The concept of edge computing also gained attention, exploring the possibility of processing user requests outside the cloud to reduce communication latencies. Hardware in data centers became more heterogeneous, with the addition of accelerators like GPUs.

Looking ahead, the cloud is expected to undergo further advancements. Edge computing and fog computing are becoming important for processing data closer to the source, particularly with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT). Security measures like blockchain will be implemented, and machine learning will play a larger role in predicting user preferences and handling diverse workloads. More specialized processors tailored to specific workloads will be incorporated, and billing models may evolve to be more fine-grained.

Overall, the cloud has a promising future with room for expansion and further technological developments.

Source: https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/history-of-the-cloud/

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